MQM-P not given authorization for walk, just senior pioneers to visit 'Martyrs' Monument'

'In yet another difference in tack as of late by the Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-P), the gathering on Saturday drop its intend to arrange a rally to visit "Saints' Monument" in Karachi's Azizabad territory, in a ground near the MQM's fixed home office.

MQM-P boss Dr Farooq Sattar while conversing with columnists outside his living arrangement declared that the gathering was not given authorization by the organization to walk to the landmark known as Yadgar-I-Shuhada at Jinnah Ground.

Rather, Sattar said he alongside individuals from the gathering's Rabita Committee will visit the landmark toward the evening, authorization for which was concurred.

He said the gathering had asked its supporters in the morning to not appear for the walk subsequent to being denied authorization, in any case, "on the off chance that they wind up coming all things considered, it is [because of] their own particular regard for the saints".

"The legislature and organization ought to have made these game plans... [they] ought to have given us our entitlement to utilize our opportunity, which we are not being given," he said while talking outside MQM-P's office in Bahadurabad.

Before leaving for the landmark, the gathering held a consultative meeting of the Rabita Committee at its Bahadurabad office.

Addressing correspondents after the meeting, Sattar said they had connected for a consent for the walk, however the organization won't, refering to "dangers to our lives".

Since MQM originator Altaf Hussain's ignitable Aug 22, 2016 discourse, the gathering's Nine Zero home office and its open secretariat at Khurshid Memorial Complex in Azizabad have been closed and the MQM-P, or those related with Altaf-drove MQM-London, have not been permitted to visit the landmark known as Yadgar-I-Shuhada.

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